Wedding Planner in Cartagena | Celebrating unforgettable moments
Wedding Planner in Cartagena- María Fernanda Sanchez – Wedding Planner in Colombia – Cartagena Weddings
The essence of our brand is to create an experience for every memorable moment in life, so each celebration is unique and unforgettable and each family member or friend who is part of those moments has so many details to remember from that occasion that they long to relive it.
And giving your guests a floral experience is the best way to praise their presence when celebrating your most special moments with such unique compositions for each occasion. We design very romantic and almost magical environments to create unforgettable memories.
It’s not just about making pretty floral arrangements, but about transmitting many aspects of your personality through the composition so guests can see you identified in each petal. To do this, I like to give prominence to all the details and combine the flowers and furniture with the decorative elements in order to create a visual aesthetic that generates harmony in the setting.
And it’s here that floral design plays a fundamental role as part of the decoration and setting since it is based on a key term: personalization. Likewise, I make use of all the possibilities that we have at hand such as the theme or style, the colors, the textures, even the place of the celebration will be important to take into account when creating a design board.
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